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June 27, 2010 at 8:36 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | 2 Comments
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After my short (not so much) hiatus :3

Today I made a decision.

(sort of)

After exercising excessively and only eating xxx calories for 2 days, I just told myself “no, this is complete bullshit. Why the fuck am I doing this?!” (excuse my language lol) and ate my snack bag of peanut butter pretzels with salt that I got from weaver street yesterday. I’ve decided that from now on, I’m gonna try my absolute hardest to not let ed be in complete control of my life anymore. I’m not gonna say that it’s not gonna hold me back sometimes, but as much as I can restrain it, I will. And anyway, my mom was begging me to eat food and kept going on about me dying of a heart attack and I started feeling bad about it…she works 7 days a week practically the whole day so I didn’t want to put anymore stress on her.

I also now realize how obsessed I’ve become with peanut butter pretzels…psh whatever they’re tasty >3<

Part of this decision though is not blogging so much about my ed. I sorta feel like it’s “contributing” to my ed. I’ll still blog about it though, just I wont focus my whole blog on ed.

Hmmm…what to write about…well right now I’m watching Ace of Cakes on Food Network! I love this show, all their cakes are so awesome looking :3 I remember my friend and I were watching this show one night and decided to make our own “amazing cake” the next morning. lol boy was that a disaster…

Our “Beautiful” Cake

lmao there was probably about 10 pounds of frosting on this cake xD

Yeah…so now you guys know that I’ll never be a professional cake decorator haha. And omg I wanna see Toy Story 3 so bad!! Like I wanna see it right now! I guess I’ll just have to drag one of my friends along to see it in 3D (yes, I must see it in 3D) with me >:)

Au revoir!


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  1. I’m happy for you! It’s great that you’ve stirred up your motivation to fight once and for all again. I hope you keep up the huzzah, and win this battle!

    • Aw thanks! I hope I can win it too 🙂 I’m determined this time!! >:D

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